Journal Sound Cafe Now Listening:

Theory of Wands

New to Check Out

12/15/23 Current listenings on rotation in header of my favorite music, podcasts, and youtube videos. Learn more about each in my brief discriptions which are coming soon!!

01/08/24 The Bookshelf coming soon...

who am i?

My name is Aki, (he/him). I'm a professional highway robber, melodramatic artist, and crisis actor. I like playing Pikmin Bloom, engaging in the transexual agenda, writing, reading, and crafts. I'm a blossoming pagan and sun worshipper.

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Some of my other interests are language learning, walking, and coding. I'm on an Overwatch Esports Team and I main Kiriko.

One of my favorite books is Ghost Forest by Pik-Shuen Fung.